New Rochelle: Embracing Diversity Through History and Beyond by James Francis (New Rochelle), CEO of Paradigm Asset Management LLC.


According to James Francis, Diversity isn’t merely a buzzword in New Rochelle; it’s the cornerstone of our city’s identity. As we journey through the rich tapestry of New Rochelle’s history and cultural landscape, we uncover the threads of adversity, triumph, and progress that have shaped this unique suburb into a microcosm of global cultures.

New Rochelle: Embracing Diversity Through History and Beyond by James Francis (New Rochelle), CEO of Paradigm Asset Management LLC.

Historical Context

Early Settlement Diversity
In 1693, New Rochelle was a melting pot of Dutch, German, English, and Haitian residents — the latter group presumably slaves, an early marker of racial diversity that has evolved drastically over time. By 1790, the population included both enslaved and free African Americans, a testament to a community grappling with the complexities of its racial dynamics.

19th Century Immigration
The subsequent waves of Irish and German immigrants during the 19th century introduced new cultural dimensions. The establishment of Anshe Sholom, the town’s first synagogue, in 1896, was a beacon for the Jewish diaspora. Today, approximately 700 Orthodox Jewish families call New Rochelle home, a shining example of sustained religious diversity.

Socioeconomic Diversity
The city’s socioeconomic spectrum is as varied as its cultural backdrop. From students dependent on welfare to recent immigrants and affluent families, New Rochelle embraces them all. The mix of students from different socioeconomic backgrounds within the school system is believed to be one of the community’s strengths, fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding.

Cultural and Ethnic Diversity

Evolution of Ethnic Communities
From a small Mexican-American community that has grown significantly since 1954 to the presence of immigrants from Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, and a notable Taiwanese community, New Rochelle’s ethnic diversity has flourished. St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church and the numerous Mexican restaurants and shops are vibrant testaments to this growth.

Religious and Community Life
The city’s religious landscape is rich and varied with multiple synagogues and Jewish community facilities, illustrating the thriving Orthodox Jewish life. St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, with its storied past, now predominantly serves Latin American parishioners, reflecting the evolving community it serves.

Social Characteristics

Community Perception
Residents often describe New Rochelle as kind, family-oriented, and progressive, with a strong communal bond. A sense of belonging is felt deeply, with 75% of residents acknowledging this community spirit.

Educational Attainment
Educational attainment in New Rochelle is impressive, with 26% holding master’s degrees or higher, surpassing national averages and reflecting the city’s commitment to education.

Inclusivity and Acceptance
New Rochelle prides itself on being an inclusive community, where the majority feel that LGBTQ+ individuals are treated equally. This acceptance is a significant aspect of the city’s identity.

Challenges and Triumphs

Desegregation Efforts
The battle for Lincoln School in the early 1960s is a stark reminder of the hurdles overcome. The Supreme Court case “Taylor v. Board of Education of the City School District of New Rochelle” was a pivotal moment in the city’s history, echoing the national civil rights movement.

Modern-Day Conflicts and Harmony
While the city has faced challenges such as the unrest following the Rodney King verdict in 1992, it is often described as a “League of Nations,” where harmony typically prevails. The conflicts serve as reminders of the work still to be done, but the overarching sentiment is one of unity and collective progress.

New Rochelle’s narrative is one of resilience, reflecting the broader societal shifts towards diversity and inclusion. From its early days of varied European and African backgrounds to its status as a proud example of America’s diversity, New Rochelle stands as a testament to the power of embracing differences. It’s a place where history lessons forge a brighter, more inclusive future.

James Francis, a resident of New Rochelle, is the CEO of Paradigm Asset Management LLC.



James Francis Paradigm Asset Management

James Francis is the visionary Chairman and CEO of Paradigm Asset Management Co. LLC, a expert leader in the financial industry.